Success, Maxwell is installed in your Slack workspace.
(Just one more step)
Next step: type /add-maxwell in any Slack channel or message and hit "Send".
Done! You will automatically receive a weekly Maxwell Report every Friday.
Don't want to wait? Get instant reporting by typing /daily-report [number of days] (for example "/daily-report 5" for the previous 5 days) and hit "Send".
Find any bugs or issues? Please let us know on our Maxwell Feedback page. Thanks!
You have installed Maxwell by AskRadar.ai for your Slack account only. This installation will not provide Maxwell functionality to others in your organization. Others will not see the Maxwell app as installed, but will see Maxwell as a participant in the conversation.
If you want to install the Maxwell for Slack app in your entire organization, contact your site Administrator who will have full rights.
To change the integration settings, navigate to the Maxwell App Marketplace Slack app page, select Manage, then click Configure.